Optimize your fertility and overall health

Watch the replay from this live masterclass below

What you’ll learn

  • ✳ Understanding the woman’s cyclical body as a core foundation of health and wellness.

  • ✳ An overview of what a healthy cycle looks like, and understanding the four phases and changes in your body’s hormone levels, physiological changes, and brain chemistry.

    ✳ An intro to tracking your cycle: recognizing fertility biomarkers and identifying ovulation, the primary event of each cycle.

    ✳ Your period: what’s normal, what’s not, and what to do.

  • ✳ Common hormone imbalances and health conditions and the symptoms to look out for

    ✳ When and where to seek help for root cause treatment

    ✳ PMS & Period symptoms management

  • ✳ Nutrition - Gut health is at the root of many hormone imbalances, digestive issues, and a range of other cycle health conditions.

    ✳ Stress Management - How stress impacts your cycle and overall health, and how to reduce stress naturally to restore order in your body.

    ✳ Environment - reducing exposure to endocrine disruptors that may be negatively impacting your cycle and health.

    ✳ Sleep - benefits of practicing sleep hygiene and regulating your circadian rhythm.

  • ✳ Cycle-centric living: How to eat, exercise, and live in alignment with your cycle to support your body in each phase.

    ✳ Fertility is a team sport: Both men and women can apply lifestyle habits to boost fertility.

Watch the replay

Get the guide: 6 Steps to Boost Fertility & Health, a companion to the training so you can apply the learnings to your daily life.